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Seizures that are associated with fever are known as febrile seizures, and while they are somewhat common in children between the ages of 1 and 6 years, they can sometimes indicate a serious condition such as meningitis or encephalitis. In addition, febrile seizures can also cause brain injury if they last long or recur frequently...

While there are some home remedies that can hasten the cure of a kidney infection (basically a urinary tract infection or UTI) and provide relief from the symptoms, it is important not to spend too much time trying to cure it yourself as the infection can turn quite serious. If a kidney infection persists for more than two days, it is best to visit a doctor for treatment, even if this means taking antibiotics...

Firstly, if you are suffering from both diabetes and hypercholesterolemia, it is important that you take the medication that has been prescribed for you by the doctor who diagnosed and is treating you. There are dietary and lifestyle changes that can help you get both your blood sugar and your cholesterol under control, but any change or stop in your medication should be made only after discussion with your doctor, and probably only after your sugar and cholesterol levels have remained stable at a healthy level for a few months...

High cholesterol and high blood pressure are two entirely different conditions, with possibly the only common factors being the detrimental effect they have on the cardiovascular system and the cause lying at least partly in the person's diet. However, apart from this, the conditions differ greatly - the basic causes and the mechanism of the condition, the symptoms, the effects that they have on the body, and the treatment required...