Prevention from Concussion

You can prevent concussion by:

  • Paying attention to safety rules and regulations at all times
  • Wearing the appropriate athletic gear and using the proper equipment such as helmets while playing sports such as football, hockey, cycling, baseball, martial arts, and skateboarding
  • Wearing a seat belt in the car
  • Accident-proof your home by removing clutter on the floor which could lead to falls
  • Ensure that carpets and rugs are slip-proof
  • Clean up spills immediately to prevent falls
  • Secure windows and doors to prevent children from climbing and falling

  1. Bruce J. Diamond, Samuel C. Shiflett, Nancy Feiwel, Robert J. Matheis, Olga Noskin, Jennifer A. Richards, Nancy E. Schoenberger, Ginkgo biloba extract: Mechanisms and clinical indications, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Volume 81, Issue 5, May 2000, Pages 668-678, ISSN 0003-9993,