Treatment for Delirium

The goal of any treatment for delirium is to cure the underlying cause of the condition. Treatment for delirium is also focused on creating a healing environment in the body so that recovery is speedy. Treatment for delirium includes:

  • Supportive care methods such as treating pain, assisting with movement, reducing confusion and disorientation and providing the proper fluids and nutrition necessary for recovery.
  • Simple ways to reduce confusion and disorientation involve creating a safe and familiar environment, assistance of friends and family members, avoiding too many changes in routine, encouraging a regular sleep-wake cycle, and the use of alternative methods such as massage and music to relax the patient and ease anxiety and agitation.
  • In cases where symptoms are severe, medications may be prescribed. Anti-psychotic medications and sedatives that lessen disorganized thoughts and extreme emotions are generally recommended. In case the patient is taking other medications that may be worsening the symptoms, these medications may be stopped or changed until recovery takes place.
  • Disorders such as heart failure, thyroid disorders, malnutrition, kidney and liver failure and psychotic problems such as depression also need to be treated in order to cure delirium. Addressing the underlying cause of the condition will improve mental and cognitive functioning significantly.
  • Some people with delirium may benefit from the use of eyeglasses, hearing aids or cataract surgery.
  • Psychiatric treatment and behavioral modification may be necessary if symptoms border on the aggressive.
  • Reality orientation to reduce confusion and disorientation