Drug Abuse Treatment

There are specific stages related to the treatment of drug abuse or addiction such as:

  • Abstinence: This is the first or initial stage of drug abuse treatment also known as the detox process. When a drug has been used for a period of time, a chemical dependency may have developed leading to severe withdrawal symptoms when the drug is stopped. This part of the treatment is normally conducted in a hospital or a clinic where medications can be administered to manage the withdrawal symptoms and monitoring is provided. Depending on the type of drug used, the medical treatment will differ. This detoxification is considered the toughest part of drug abuse treatment and can last from a couple of days to a few weeks.
  • Relapse Prevention: This stage in the treatment of drug addiction deals with the psychological addiction. Patients with minor addictions may only need an outpatient program that keeps them in constant touch with counselors and sponsors for their recovery. Individual therapy, narcotics anonymous programs and counseling sessions are all used during this stage of recovery. Cognitive Behavior Therapy or CBT is also found to be useful in providing addicts with ways to recognize their behavior and identify the coping mechanisms needed to prevent a relapse. In severe cases of addiction, a higher more involved level of support may be necessary to prevent a relapse. In such cases, a drug treatment center or rehab is required to provide continuous inpatient care and monitoring. Counselors are available within this setting to provide support and guidance on living a sober life.  
  • Rehabilitation: Once the patient resumes his normal life and leaves the safe environs of a clinic or hospital, it is important to offer him means and skills with which he can start anew. During this time, counseling of family members, friends and loved ones is very important. They too need to be given the tools with which to handle and deal with the recovering addict and prevent any relapse. Follow up programs are also an essential part of drug abuse treatment and necessary to ensure a person’s drug-free future.
For severe cases of drug addiction, a residential or rehab program may be the best option. Patients can stay in such treatment centers for six to twelve months before he is deemed drug-free and fit to return home. When choosing a rehabilitation center, look for:

A center that approaches the treatment of drug abuse from several perspectives and uses a combination of different treatment methods. It is a well-known fact that no counseling; therapy, support groups, and medical single treatment can suit every case of addiction. Make sure the center you choose offers detox procedures to prevent the risk of a relapse.

  • A center that has all the necessary licenses and rights from the government. This ensures that the staff are trained and experienced to handle the cases.

  1. Usha Sambamoorthi, Lynn A. Warner, Stephen Crystal, James Walkup, Drug abuse, methadone treatment, and health services use among injection drug users with AIDS, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Volume 60, Issue 1, 1 July 2000, Pages 77-89, ISSN 0376-8716, 10.1016/S0376-8716(00)80010-1.(http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0376871600800101)
  2. Allison C Morrill, Linda Kasten, Matthew Urato, Mary Jo Larson, Abuse, addiction, and depression as pathways to sexual risk in women and men with a history of substance abuse, Journal of Substance Abuse, Volume 13, Issues 1–2, September 2001, Pages 169-184, ISSN 0899-3289, 10.1016/S0899-3289(01)00065-7.(http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0899328901000657)