Prognosis of Myasthenia Gravis

While there is no known cure for myasthenia gravis, long-term remission is possible. If symptoms are severe, it may be necessary to restrict certain activities but overall life expectancy is not reduced as a result of the disease. Many people who suffer from ocular myasthenia gravis may later develop generalized myasthenia. This indicates that the condition can spread and affect other parts of the body as well. However, the prognosis of myasthenia gravis is positive.  

Special care needs to be taken if a woman with myasthenia gets pregnant as the baby may temporarily develop the condition as well or may be weak and need medications immediately after birth. However, as long as mother and baby are closely supervised during the pregnancy and birth, there is no major cause for concern.

In some cases, symptoms may cause breathing problems that are life threatening. This is known as a myasthenic crisis and will require emergency medical care. People with myasthenia gravis fall into the high-risk category for other illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and other autoimmune disorders as well.  

The prognosis of myasthenia gravis has improved significantly thanks to the developments in treatments such as “immunosuppressive therapy”. Most patients can reduce symptoms by taking the prescribed amounts of steroids and medications. With the correct treatment, patients of myasthenia gravis can look forward to improved muscle strength and nearly normal lives.