B Vitamins for Children

Vitamin B complex is extremely beneficial for kids. While B vitamins are essential for the human body, they are especially beneficial for kids and children in their growing years. This is because vitamin B complex encourages mental and physical growth in children in their formative years.

The composition of vitamin B complex is as follows. There are eight principal vitamins that constitute vitamin B complex.

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin)
  • Vitamin B5 (panthothenic)
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
  • Vitamin B7 (biotin)
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid)
  • Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)

Benefits of B Vitamins

B vitamins have distinct and substantial benefits for kids. Some of the important advantages of vitamin B complex for children are as follows.

  • Vitamin B complex promotes growth and strength and stimulates memory in children in their formative years
  • Vitamin B complex plays an essential part in the healthy upkeep of skin, eyes, hair and nails.
  • Vitamin B complex helps boost the oxygen circulation in the body, especially the brain, which in turn improved concentration.
  • Vitamin B complex helps reduce stress in children. Vitamin B complex helps convert carbohydrates and fats released in stressful situations into energy required for proper maintenance of nervous system and the heart.
  • Vitamin B3 helps in the dilation of blood vessels and improves circulation.
  • Vitamin B6 promotes bone health and helps in the maintenance of nervous system, production of red blood cells, and proper function of certain hormones.
  • Vitamin B9 or folic acid is known to prevent birth defects. It assists in blood cell production and helps in the synthesis of DNA.
  • Vitamin B12 boosts the production of red blood cells and maintains nerve cell function.

Deficiency of Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B complex is used by the body to perform various vital functions. The deficiency of this essential vitamin can cause physical and nervous disorders in children.

  • The deficiency of vitamin B complex may induce fatigue, anxiety, and irritability in children.
  • The deficiency of vitamin B1 or thiamine can cause beriberi, a disease associated with the insufficiency of thiamine in children. Some studies have also revealed that severe thiamine deficiency in infants may cause epilepsy.
  • The deficiency of vitamin B2 or riboflavin can cause glossitis (inflammation of the tongue), cheilosis (drying at the corners of the mouth), eye pain, light sensitivity, and skin rashes.
  • The deficiency of vitamin B3 or niacin may result in pediatric pellagra, a disease characterised by weakness and anorexia, and in more severe cases nausea, dermatitis, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea. A Vitamin B3 deficiency may also trigger anxiety, depression, irritability, and weak concentration in children.
  • The deficiency of vitamin B5 or panthothenic can cause gastrointestinal conditions, fatigue and depression.
  • The deficiency of vitamin B6 or pyridoxine may cause anemia and irritability in children.
  • The deficiency of vitamin B9 or folate causes birth defects during pregnancy.
  • The deficiency of vitamin B7 or biotin can cause abnormal skin rashes and lesions.
  • The deficiency of vitamin B7 or biotin may affect the nervous system in children. The symptoms may include numbness or tingling sensation.
  • The deficiency of vitamin B12 or cobalamin can cause anemia and other related problems.
  • The deficiency of vitamin B 12 can lead to poor blood formation, hindered growth, and fragile muscles.

B Complex Sources

Some of the daily foods that are rich in vitamin B complex are as follows:

  • Meat, milk, green beans, eggs and rice (vitamin B1 or thiamine)
  • Egg yolks, milk and green leafy vegetables (vitamin B2 or riboflavin)
  • Wheat, fish, potatoes, liver and fruits (vitamin B3 or niacin)
  • Green vegetables, liver, milk and meat (vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid)
  • Liver, fish, meat and rice (vitamin B6 or pyridoxine)
  • Meat, liver and eggs (vitamin B12 or cobalamin)

Vitamin B complex supplements are a viable substitute for children, if the recommended dosage of the vitamin is not met through a normal diet. However, it is essential to consult a physician or a qualified medical practitioner for the correct dosage of the vitamin B supplement.


  1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/420756
  2. Fattal-Valevski A, Bloch-Mimouni A, Kivity S, Heyman E, Brezner A, Strausberg R, Inbar D, Kramer U, Goldberg-Stern H., Epilepsy in children with infantile thiamine deficiency. Neurology. 2009 Sep 15, 73(11).