Home Health Center
Anthrax - Prevention
Prevention from Anthrax
There are different ways to prevent anthrax such as:
- If you have been exposed to the anthrax bacteria but are not yet exhibiting any symptoms of the disease, your doctor can prescribe a preventive dose of antibiotics. The type and dosage of the medication will depend on the strain of anthrax that you have exposed to.
- The anthrax vaccine consists of five doses over a period of 18 months. However, this vaccine is still not available to the general public. As of now, only military personnel and those in high-risk categories such as vets, and laboratory technicians are given the vaccine.
- Since anthrax does not spread from person to person, there is no need for medication unless the person has been exposed to the same source of the disease.
- Currently, the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention is working on a pill for anthrax prevention that is to be taken orally. However, more studies and research is still needed before this pill becomes commercially available.
- In the event of a bioterrorist attack, the anthrax vaccine may be administered or a 60-day antibiotic course may be prescribed until the test results come back clear.