Dealing with Paranoid Schizophrenia

by Sam Malone

Paranoid schizophrenia disorder is the most common type of schizophrenia in existence. Schizophrenia itself is a condition which involves the individual losing touch with reality. Schizophrenics tend to have perceptual problems and may be detached from reality. In most cases, the individual may go through phases of mental clarity which are then mixed with phases where he or she is out of touch with reality.

The most common paranoid schizophrenia symptoms include the individual suffering from delusions where the person feels as though persecution is taking place when, in reality, there is no such problem. Other paranoid schizophrenia symptoms include hallucinations, particularly auditory, and hallucinations relating to sensations which are not actually experienced by the individual. While individuals suffering from paranoid schizophrenia may suffer from periods of psychosis, it has been found that individuals coping with this condition tend to be more capable of leading a relatively normal life, particularly during phases when their symptoms are under control. Even so, it should be understood that the paranoid schizophrenia disorder is a lifelong condition that requires immediate medical attention. Once the patient is coping with schizophrenia through medication, he or she may be able to live a relatively normal life. It is dangerous to leave a patient with paranoid schizophrenia untreated as one of the common paranoid schizophrenia symptoms is that of suicidal behavior.

Coping with Paranoid Schizophrenia

There are many different steps that go into helping people with schizophrenia. The individual's living environment may need to be adjusted to suit his or her condition. There are many different behavioral therapies that can be used to help with the condition as well. Paranoid schizophrenia treatment involves the use of anti-psychotic drugs that help to control the symptoms. Once the symptoms are under control, the patient may need help in terms of counseling and other such methods that can reduce stress and make the person less worried about his or her life and medical condition.

People who are living with a paranoid schizophrenic must also provide their support to the patient. Domestic problems where stress is involved tend to harm patients who suffer from the paranoid schizophrenia disorder as stress is one of the known and accepted triggers of this condition. When one is living with a paranoid schizophrenic, it is also important to continuously monitor the individual to make sure that he or she is taking the required medication. Paranoid schizophrenics tend to often be difficult to deal with in terms of their medication. Patients often try to avoid consuming medication because they get paranoid that they are being poisoned by their family members. Thus it takes a great deal of courage, perseverance and patience on the part of the family members and friends who are living with a paranoid schizophrenic.

Paranoid schizophrenia treatment is a lifelong treatment that involves firstly tackling the symptoms and secondly adjusting the patient so that he or she leads a normal life as much as possible. It is first important to identify that the patient suffers from the condition. The diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia is often based on the judgment of the doctor and is something that is partly open to interpretation. One must therefore seek the opinion of an experienced doctor who is able to distinguish between the various types of schizophrenia and diagnose the patient properly. Paranoid schizophrenics tend to also get violent which makes it more difficult to deal with them. In some cases, patients may initially need to be hospitalized and treated before treatment can commence on a daily basis from the patient's home. Over time, studies have shown that well adjusted patients tend to require less medication than those who suffer from other stress factors in their lives.

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