Birth Control

What is Birth Control?

According to the medical dictionaries, contraception refers to the methods used to prevent conception or impregnation. Birth control on the other hand includes all actions, practices, medications, and devices used to prevent or reduce the chance of conception or interrupt a pregnancy at any stage. There are three main approaches to birth control:

  1. Contraception: Refers to the use of drugs, devices, practices and surgical methods to prevent fertilization from taking place. By using the proper contraception, a woman can choose when she wants to have a baby or if she wants to have one at all. Contraception methods barring condoms do not protect a person from sexually transmitted diseases.
  2. Contragestion: Refers to methods used to prevent the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. These include devices such as the IUD or medicines such as the morning after pill.
  3. Abortion : Refers to surgical or chemical methods used to remove the fetus or the embryo.

Frequently asked questions
  1. Vivian Brache, Luis José Payán, Aníbal Faundes, Current status of contraceptive vaginal rings, Contraception, Volume 87, Issue 3, March 2013, Pages 264-272, ISSN 0010-7824, 10.1016/j.contraception.2012.08.037.
  2. Terri L. Walsh, Ron G. Frezieres, Karen Peacock, Anita L. Nelson, Virginia A. Clark, Leslie Bernstein, Brian G.D. Wraxall, Effectiveness of the male latex condom: combined results for three popular condom brands used as controls in randomized clinical trials, Contraception, Volume 70, Issue 5, November 2004, Pages 407-413, ISSN 0010-7824, 10.1016/j.contraception.2004.05.008.