Healthy Vitamins for Acne Control

by Sam Malone

Acne is never welcome, at any stage of life. It can leave physiological as well psychological scars, the latter which are harder to heal. This skin condition usually hits teens, one of the reasons being hormonal changes. Acne in teens especially, apart from being a cosmetic problem, can lead to anxiety, low self confidence and esteem, depression and sometimes even suicidal thoughts. But acne isn’t only reserved for teenagers, adults can also get acne at various stages of their lives. Let’s take a deeper look into this skin condition and its causes.

Acne is a skin disorder that results from hormonal changes and other substances on the skin’s hair follicles and oil glands. The abnormal functioning of these glands leads to pores being clogged and eventually pimples or zits. Acne not only appears on the face but also on the neck, back, shoulders and chest. The exact causes of acne are not known but there are several factors that could result in it. One of the important factors that lead to acne is the increase of the male sex hormones ‘androgen’ which steeps up during puberty in both girls and boys, causing enlargement of the sebaceous glands and the creation of more sebum. Another factor that could cause acne is pregnancy or the starting and stopping of birth control pills. Genetics also plays a role in acne. Studies have shown that school boys with acne had some family history of acne. Apart from these reasons, grease from skin products or working in greasy environments like kitchens etc, environmental pollutants and high humidity, stress, picking or squeezing blemishes and pressure from tight clothing, helmets and/or sport gears, can be causes or aggravate acne.

There are home remedies and various skincare products that can help to treat acne but what is making waves is the use of vitamins to control acne, and even cure it. Here are some vitamins and minerals that can help you say bye to the pimples and zits:

  • Vitamin A: Retinoid, which is derived from vitamin A, is used to treat acne as well as other skin disorders.  Vitamin A controls the growth and development of epithelial cells and is vital in the process of keratinization (where the epidermis matures and migrates into the stratum corneum). For acne though, derivatives of vitamin A work better than natural vitamin A. For overall skin and eye health, a daily dose of vitamin A is important and can be found in carrots, yellow squash, tomatoes and pumpkin.
  • Vitamin B: Research has shown some skin inflammations can be due to the deficiency of the vitamin B6 deficiency.  It is mostly alcoholics and aging adults that are at risk of being B6 deficient. B6 can be found in canned chickpeas, beef liver, fresh or cooked tuna and yellowfin, cooked salmon and sockeye, roasted chicken breast, fortified breakfast cereals, boiled potatoes, turkey meat etc.
  • Vitamin C and E: Protects the body due to its antioxidant properties that is important for healthy skin. Vitamin C helps in skin repair, which includes healing acne scars. It can be used topically as well as ingested through food. Some good food sources of vitamin C are red pepper, broccoli, tomatoes, grapefruit, strawberries and cantaloupe. Food sources of vitamin E are almonds, sunflower seeds, corn oil, olive oil, spinach, wheat germ oil, kiwi, mangoes and peanuts.
  • Chromium: High sugar levels are related to acne and chromium helps to regulate sugar levels in the body. You can use chromium for acne; however, it is important to speak to your dermatologist before taking any chromium supplements. Food sources that are rich in chromium are eggs, beef, liver, molasses and brewer’s yeast.



Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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