Is avocado a cure for high cholestrol?

Avocado is also referred to as alligator pear or butter fruit. This is attributed to the shape of the fruit and its leather like appearance. They have a nutty flavor and a creamy yellow or green flesh. Oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid present in avocado is effective against high blood cholesterol. Twenty three per cent of the daily value of folic acid is seen in avocado's. This is of importance, as folates are essential for heart health. It is a good source of potassium, thereby protecting the system from degenerative diseases, such as cardiac problems, hypertension and stroke. Research reveals the positive correlation between intake of avocados and cholesterol levels.

Total and LDL cholesterol levels decrease, whereas HDL or 'good' cholesterol levels increase. Lutein is a carotenoid present in avocado's. Other carotenoids, such as beta carotene, zeaxanthin and alpha carotene are also present. These are helpful in combating against breast cancer. The ability of the system to absorb carotenoids is increased due to avocados. They are mixed in a salad or in salsa. Phytonutrients in avocados are effective in preventing free radical oxidation.

answered by Dr C

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