Does eating raw noodles give you tapeworm?

Health Advice on Tapeworm

Tapeworm is a common infection caused by Hymenolepis nana. It is mainly caused in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene. You can be infected by tapeworm by consuming contaminated foods and water, ingesting contaminated soil or by touching your mouth with unhygienic hands or fingers.

If you ask me, whether eating raw noodles give you tapeworm, then I will simply say no. this is because raw noodles has nothing to do with unhygienic condition, contamination or poor sanitation.

There are tapeworm larvae in the meat and pork that many people consume. The infected tapeworm often gets destroyed by proper and hygienic cooking method. If you don't cook meat and pork then you might be attacked by the tapeworm infection.

The soil if often contaminated by human or animal urine and stool. Animals like cows, sheep, fish and pigs graze on this contaminated soil and when humans eat food prepared from the organs of these animals, then they are likely to ingest the tapeworm larvae, which eventually results in the symptoms of tapeworm.

To conclude, I can just say that avoid eating uncooked food because raw noodles has not much to do with contaminated soil and unhygienic conditions.

answered by J

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