Ringing in ear remedy

Had a pop in my ear and now it feels like it is pluged can only hear about half out of the ear and a lot or ringing

Blocked and ringing ears are largely due to some foreign matter than has lodged itself in the cavities of the ears. Such infections and blockages are not usually fatal or even dire health wise but can be painful. You can try different home remedies for ringing ears or for plugged ears. One most commonly tried is to rinse out your sinuses. Sometimes an imbalance can create this blockage too. Colds are often ignored and thought only to affect the nose. But often once the cold has healed, it can affect the ears and the hearing too. Using a series of hot water rinses can also help the blocked or plugged ears.

Warm oil can also be poured into the ear that has been ringing. It has been known to slowly remove the blockage and help restore hearing. This oil can be any generic oil like coconut oil or any massage oil. It needs to be warm, not hot oil to prevent permanent damage. Chewing gum or working your jaw can also unplug your ears so you can try that too. Putting some hydrogen peroxide can also help unblock your ear but you should use peroxide only under medical supervision.

answered by A S

Can dizziness cause ringing in ears?

While the most important function of the ears is to allow a person to hear, another very important function that the entire ear structure provides is balancing the body. This balance is controlled by a small organ within the ear structure known as the vestibular labyrinth and is primarily made up of tiny canals as well as fluid. When any part of this organ or its extension is damaged in any way, the body will experience a certain amount of dizziness and you are likely to hear a "ringing" in the ears. As a result, one of the primary causes of ringing in the ears and dizziness occurring at the same time is trauma such as a heavy blow landing anywhere near the ears.

In the event that you experience the symptoms of ringing ears, you may want to make sure that you approach a health care provider as soon as possible in order to identify if the ringing in the ears may be a result of some other underlying medical condition. Tinnitus is a rare, but serious medical condition that causes an individual to sense a persistent ringing in his or her ears and ignoring the problem could result in permanent damage to the ears.

answered by G R

Are there any natural ways to stop ringing in ears?

Ringing in the ears or tinnitus is a very common problem affecting millions of people across the U.S. Some of the common factors that could cause you to experience ringing in the ears include infections, allergies, injuries abnormal growths, loud noises, wax buildup and the use of certain medication. In order to get rid of ringing in ears, you need to know what its exact cause is.

Apart from medication, there are certain natural ways to stop ringing in the ears. However, you first need to consult a doctor and determine that the ringing has not been caused by any serious problem. Given below are some of the common ways to stop ringing in ears:

  • Rest well during the day and regular exercise is also very important.
  • Avoid loud sounds, by wearing earmuffs or staying away from places that play loud music
  • Increase the intake of ginger, either by adding it to food, or by taking ginger tablets.
  • Add another natural herb Gingko to your diet.
  • Keep the ears free of wax, by cleaning it with hydrogen peroxide regularly. (Ear buds are known to cause ear injuries and therefore, they should be strictly avoided)

In case these ways to stop ringing in the ears do not yield results, you may need to take the medication prescribed by your doctor.

answered by G M

How can I clear plugged ears?

Ears need to periodically cleaned. Ears can get plugged with additional wax or with other foreign objects which can change the pressure and give you a sensation of closed or blocked ears. You can clear plugged ears very simply and at home using simple home remedies. You can get rid of plugged ears by using a hot compress. If a hot compress does not immediately work, you can try pouring some warm water or oil into the blocked ear. Let it sit a while there and then drain it out. It should help remove the blockage. Sometimes a pod of garlic has also been known to help blocked ears. You have to leave the pod of garlic in the ear for some time.

Hydrogen peroxide has also been known to help. But this should be done carefully as using excess peroxide can cause irreparable damage. There are remedies in alternate therapies like homeopathy which help unplug ears. These remedies are best taken under advice from a medical practitioner. Clearing your sinuses can also help. If home remedies do not provide relief, you might want visit a doctor who might prescribe some medication or clean the ear with the proper instruments.

answered by S D

  1. Remedies for plugged ear
    • Insert a clove of garlic, half out and half in the ear canal. Leave it for 2 hours. The garlic enzyme will open up the ears.
    • Tilt your head with the plugged ear facing downwards.
  2. Remedies for ringing in the ear
    • Instill a homeopathic ear drop containing Mulein 2 times a day.
    • Press upon the pinna and the inner and outer ear for 2 minutes.
    • Take a homeopathic remedy called Gelsemium 30, 5 pills 2 times daily for 10 days.

answered by D M K

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