What is the treatment for retinitis pigmentosa

Retinitis pigmentosa is an eye disorder where a gradual retinal degeneration leads to slow loss of vision and sometimes blindness. Retinitis pigmentosa is believed to be an inherited diseases and the exact cause for this disorder is still not known. The percentage of vision loss would largely depend on how fast the disease worsens that would vary for one person to another. An early detection of its signs and symptoms would help in the treatment and delay the degeneration process. An early symptom of this disorder is diminished night vision or difficulty to see in dark or dimly lighted areas. Visual sharpness and peripheral vision are also usually at stake in retinitis pigmentosa. Preventing this disorder is difficult as it is a genetic disorder. Also there is sadly no known treatment for retinitis pigmentosa. Some believe that administering high vitamin A (15,000 IU/day) can help to slow down the degeneration process. However more research is required to prove this and use it as a safe treatment.

answered by Dr S

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