What causes puffiness in the face?

Causes of Face Puffiness

It is actually very frustrating and embarrassing to have chubby cheeks. We can definitely get rid of this puffiness if we consider some useful home remedies and fight the causes of puffiness in face.

The fundamental causes of puffiness in face or cheeks is presence of fat, flabby muscles, stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, over hectic routine, inheritance, baby fat and quick lost of weight. Addiction to smoking and drinking can also result in face puffiness. Some believe that chubby cheeks are also a consequence of a health condition known as sinusitis.

You can curb the causes of puffiness by applying UV protection cream on the open areas of your body especially hands and face. Drink plenty of water and eat more of fresh fruits and vegetables. In spite of having a busy routine, bring out time of rest and sleep. You should have at least 6-7 hours of sleep daily. Live an easy go life and try practicing stress management as this will definitely contribute in slimming down your face.

Apart from having well balanced nutritious diet and drinking lot of water, you can also try various different kind of face massage to fight the causes and get rid of puffiness. The most popular methods of face massage are those using natural herbs and oils.

answered by J

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