Is ok to prick the boils? Would it spread infection?

The occurrence of boil is due to bacteria known as Staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium generally infects a hair follicle and travels to its base were it forms pus. The puss eventually pushes its way to the surface of the hair follicle and the boil gets formed. These boils thus contain a large amount of infected fluid and if burst it will spread the pus in the surrounding areas and make the infection worse.

This will also leave a scar and will provide no solution until the core at the base is removed. Therefore it does not make sense to pop the boil.

Here is a remedy that you can try though .Take a wash cloth and soak in hot water for about half an hour. Apply the wash cloth two or three times a day- heat the cloth each time while applying it. This will help bring the base up and the boil will pop naturally and the wound will heal in a several days. Once the boil breaks apply salt water to it in order to dry it completely and remove any remaining puss that may be present. Make sure you keep the affected are clean by washing it with an antibacterial soap regularly, especially when the boil is in the process of draining out. This prevents the puss from spreading to the surrounding areas and causing a repeat infection.

answered by G M

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