C Section and Tummy Tuck


With most women, along with the joy of pregnancy and birth, comes the worrying problem of getting back in shape. A look at glamorous celebrities who seem to magically shed that pregnancy weight can be quite disconcerting and disheartening. The fact remains that pregnancy means that one’s body has gone through multiple changes and these are not simply internal changes. Pregnancy has a multifold impact on the woman as well as her body. Whether it is a C-section or a regular birthing process, a woman will still have to work hard if she wishes to get back to her pre-pregnancy figure. One has to remember that along with hard work weight loss, whether post pregnancy or not, is also vastly influence by genetics. Some women will simply find it a more simple matter to lose that pregnancy weight than other women. Furthermore, these same women might find that it is easier to shed those kilos following some pregnancies as compared to others. That is, the ease of losing weight after giving birth to one of their children is not usually the same as in the case of other children they have had. There are a number of interacting factors besides hormones and the individual pregnancy such as one’s age and certain lifestyle factors and so on that might be different. The first thing you need to realize is that one’s body has already been through a lot and one should never overexert oneself. This means that weight loss goals after one’s C-section should be very realistic. This is not easy when one is faced with models and actresses making an appearance a few days after giving birth and looking absolutely fabulous.

Remember to give your body time to recover and to get back in shape. Now that you are a mother, you will need all the nutritional help you can get. A new mother would need plenty of healthy food which takes care of her healthy dietary needs although not as much as during pregnancy. It might be tempting to start seriously dieting or stop eating much food, but the fact remains that you need calories to function. Eating healthier should take care of your cravings and give you much needed energy. This means vegetables as well as fruits. Consult your doctor to see how soon after the C-section you can start basic exercises like brisk walking and later abdominal exercise, since some time to heal would be necessary. Yoga is also helpful to get rid of that pregnancy weight because this is a rather low-impact option.

answered by G M

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