I have a severe case of sun poisoning. Any suggestions for treatments?

Sun poisoning can be described as a hypersensitive reaction caused by excessive exposure to the harsh rays of the sun. You may notice that your skin gets red and itchy or blisters and a rash may also appear, when you spend too much time in the sun. This is a sign of sun poisoning. Some of the most common sun poisoning symptoms include, skin tenderness, fever, chills, nausea, fatigue, dizziness and dehydration. Sun poisoning is a condition that cannot be treated lightly, as it can lead to various levels of damage and deterioration of the skin.

Severe sun poisoning can also lead to premature aging of the skin, wrinkles and perhaps even skin cancer. Therefore, adopting sun poisoning cures, at the earliest, is absolutely essential. Sun poisoning treatment is usually not required for milder cases. Most doctors recommend simple sun poisoning remedies to cure the condition. However, for more severe cases, the doctor may recommend that you take certain medication such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen for relief from the pain. In addition to the medication, it is also important to avoid the sun completely, until the sun poisoning symptoms disappear. The use of sun poisoning remedies could also help supplement the medication prescribed. Given below are some of the most common sun poisoning remedies:

  • It is necessary to drink a lot of fluids. It is also recommended that you drink around 8 10 glasses a day. This keeps the skin moist and reduces skin irritation. At the same time, it also reduces the possibility of dehydration.
  • Keep your skin cool, by taking cool showers or by staying in an air-conditioned environment. A cold compress or an ice pack applied directly to the affected area is a great way of keeping the skin cool and reducing the discomfort.
  • Calamine lotion has an excellent affect on the skin, as it helps soothe and relieve skin damage. The lotion may either be added to bath water or could also be applied directly on the skin. To maximize the effect of this remedy, it should be used a couple of times a day.
  • Avoid putting any greasy or oily creams and lotions on the skin, as they could contain substances that aggravate the condition. Instead, it is best to apply some cold natural aloe vera gel directly on the affected skin.
  • Make a concoction using one tablespoon of yogurt and a glass of water. Mix the two well and apply the paste on the affected skin thoroughly, using a piece of cotton if necessary. This soothes the pain almost instantly and also helps in faster recovery.
In case the sun poisoning remedies mentioned above do not help improve the condition after a day or two, it is best to consult a doctor.

answered by G M

Sun poisoning is a term commonly used to describe a condition that takes place when an individual experiences an allergic reaction to the sun. In medical parlance, sunburn and sun poisoning do not hold any difference; both are referred to as photo dermatitis. The symptoms of sun poisoning are similar to that of intense sunburn. If you are experiencing a non complicated case of intense sunburn or sun poisoning, you may not need immediate medical attention. Apply cool packs and compresses to the affected area and stave off traveling in the sun, till such a time that the sunburn has healed. To ease the pain, drink plenty of cool water throughout the day. Baths with cool plain water is also useful in relieving the swelling in the affected area and helps to soothe the painful sensations. Do not apply any form of bath salts, aromatherapy oils or fragrances when you are bathing nor must these be added directly on to the skin as they can cause further harm and damaged skin. If you have access to a fresh aloe vera plant, slice its leaves and make use of the cool gel that oozes from the leaf. Use this fresh gel as a cooling application for your sun burns.

Also keep off from scrubbing or shaving the affected skin area. Remember to dab the skin dry rather than rub the skin with towel, in order to prevent further complications. If you feel the need for medical help, see a doctor immediately especially if you experience fever that is more than 105 F. Other disturbing symptoms related to sun burn that warrant a doctor's attention include: constant feelings of dizziness and an altered mental state, loss of consciousness and repeated nausea.

One must remember that the harm caused by sunburn is a health issue. Even though recovery is possible the need for immediate medical aid, in most cases, is possible. Sunburn should not be ignored nor should it be accepted that there is no danger. One of the largest and looming risks of repeated sunburns or sun poisoning increases the possibility of skin cancer. It is important to practice preventive measures. As far as possible, do not travel when the sun is at its peak - between 11 a.m and 3 p.m.

Apply sun block as often as possible and always wear sun care clothing such as a cap or hat and long sleeved clothing. Please remember that even during winter or the monsoons, the clouds are not likely to shelter you from the harmful effects of the UV rays as these rays reflect off water, snow, and even sand.

answered by G M

If you have fever, experience body chills or get blisters and a rash then you have sun poisoning.

Applying regular yellow mustard to the burn stops the stinging pain. Mustard is a strong natural antiseptic agent. Once it dries, wash it off and this will prevent it from blistering.

Applying fresh aloe vera is also found to be helpful in many people.

However, never cover a sun burn that is blistered or open with any ointment, oil, or butter as it will make the area prone to infection.

Please consult your physicianfor proper treatmenton sun poisoning but the home remedies above should give you a lot of relief.

answered by P P

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