How to treat heat bumps

Heat bumps are also known as heat rash or miliaria. Heat bumps are also referred to as prickly heat because of the itch and pricky feeling associated with it. While it is most commonly noticed in children, it is not an uncommon condition among adults too. In fact one third of the populations living in tropical regions experience this condition. Prickly heat or heat rash occurs most often during summer, when the climate is hot and humid.

Heat bumps occur when the sweat glands on the surface of our body get blocked, causing the sweat to accumulate under our skin. Heat bumps go away without any intervention; however, in severe cases of heat rash medical attention may be required. Heat bumps look like small boils that may or may not be filled with pus. They spread across the infected area and hence are very similar to an allergic rash in appearance. There are quite a few home remedies that have proven to be effective when it comes to the treatment of prickly heat. However, as the common saying goes ‘prevention is better than cure’; here are a few measures you can adopt in order to avoid this condition in the future.


  • Always wear cotton clothes during summer. Avoid using nylon and other clothes designed with artificial fabrics, as they do not absorb sweat.
  • Loose flowing clothes will help in keeping your skin ventilated. Avoiding tight fitting clothes will ensure that your body is well aired and dry. It will also make sure that your skin is not irritated by the material of the cloth.
  • As this condition is caused due to over perspiration, avoiding the sun would be highly beneficial. You could use an umbrella to protect yourself from the harmful rays of the sun.


  • Treating this condition would translate to keeping your skin cool and dry. Applying calamine lotion over your body would help you achieve the same.
  • You can make use of a cold compress in order to soothe the itchy sensation. Do not scratch the boils as it could lead to a skin infection and permanent scarring.
  • A paste made by mixing sandalwood powder and rosewater can also be applied on your heat bumps. This mixture will soothe your skin and curb the itchy sensation. Wash your skin 20 minutes after having applied this paste.
  • Margosa is also very effective in healing a host of skin ailments. Make a paste by grinding a bunch of margosa leaves with 2 tablespoons of rosewater added to it. Apply this paste and allow it to remain on your affected skin for half an hour before washing it off.

answered by c

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