Information on Pseudocyesis

what is false pregnancies?

Two greek words pseudes (false) and kyesis (pregnancy) forms one word pseudocyesis. This is a condition where in the women strongly believes that she is pregnant when there is no physical evidence of pregnancy.
Rather than physical this is an emotional and psychological expression for need, in which the patient might be in severe depression and have a strong desire to conceive to maintain her identity and self esteem. Any minor change in the body related to pregnancy creates an impression in their mind of being pregnant. They would claim of symptoms such as abdominal distension, fetal movements, abdominal enlargement, breast tenderness, breast enlargement, pigment changes, weight gain, morning sickness and menstrual irregularities (some might even experience some of these symptoms).                   A pregnancy test should be conducted which should be followed by through counseling to treat the underlining psychological condition.  

answered by S P

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