What home remedy can I use for sun poisoning?

Sun poisoning natural cures 

Sun poisoning or Photodermatitis is caused by over exposure to direct sunlight. A person suffering from a mild case of sun poisoning usually displays common symptoms of a red itchy rash along with extensive skin peeling. In more severe cases, a person can get small blisters on the exposed areas which is often accompanied with Nausea and dizziness.

For mild cases, make sure that you stay out of the sun and increase your liquid intake. You can also have an electrolyte tablet to replenish lost minerals and reduce nausea. Avoid hot or warm showers and do not rub your skin dry. You can use a soothing poultice made out of mashed carrots and cucumbers. This will help to reduce the swelling and soothe the skin. In case of a slight fever, you can also use a cold compress. Before taking any medication, make sure that you contact your doctor.

In case the poisoning is severe, the fever can rise and the person can lose consciousness. Small children, particularly, are extremely susceptible to sun poisoning and a prolonged temperature of over 105 degrees Fahrenheit can lead to permanent brain damage. If a patient's temperature seems to be rising even with a cold compress, make sure that you rush him/her to a hospital immediately.

answered by G M

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