Phlegm is actually mucus that has become congealed and more visible. Mucus is produced by the mucus membranes of the body as it tries to fight infections. Phlegm originates from the lungs. It is different from the mucus that is produced in the nasal passages. A common cause of phlegm is post nasal drip which is a symptom of sinus infections, colds, flu and inhalation of irritants. The diagnosis of the underlying condition could be made from the color of the phlegm. Colored phlegm is usually indicative of bronchial infection. Phlegm that is brown in color is often a cause of concern. It must be kept in mind that an individual who is coughing up colored phlegm requires quick medical assistance. This will allow for early diagnosis and treatment of the condition. So what does brown phlegm mean?
Firstly, if the phlegm is green, yellow or brown in color, it means that the body is in the midst of fighting an infection. Coughing up of dark brown phlegm could be due to smoking or inhalation of excessive amounts of dust. This results in the buildup of resins or tars in the body which are expelled from the body through coughing. Coughing of brown phlegm could also occur due to consumption of cocoa, chocolate or other foods that tend to stain the mucus. Chronic bronchitis results in infection and inflammation of the bronchi. This is often accompanied by brown phlegm. A more serious cause of brown phlegm is blood that arises from the bronchi, voice box, windpipe or lungs. In such cases, there is likely to be coughing of brown speckled phlegm. In addition to color, the density of the phlegm and accompanying symptoms are also examined during diagnosis.
In case an individual is coughing up brown phlegm, medical treatment is necessary. In addition to medication there are also some remedies that help to treat phlegm. Firstly, the individual must quit smoking completely. Drinking lots of fluids helps to loosen up the phlegm and enables it to flow out of the body easily. Herbal teas are known to be beneficial in alleviating respiratory problems. A mixture of honey and white pepper is effective in curing cough and helps to dry up the phlegm. A popular way to obtain relief from phlegm production is steam inhalation. Add some mint and eucalyptus leaves to hot water and inhale the vapors arising from it. This will help to dry up the mucus and phlegm.
answered by G M