Coughing up blood phlegm

Blood in the sputum or phlegm is a definite indication of respiratory infection or trauma. There are many possible causes for this condition and you will need to visit your doctor for an accurate diagnosis. If the amount of blood being coughed up is significant, you should rush to the doctor or a hospital at once as there may be a very serious underlying cause. However, small bloody specks or streaks of blood in the sputum could be cause by an infection or mild trauma. Mild trauma that results in blood steaks is often associated with continuous coughing.

Smoking is one of the most common causes as it makes the throat dry and irritates the entire respiratory tract. It can also cause a deep hacking cough that is commonly known as a smoker's cough. If you live with someone who smokes a lot, you may also suffer from problems caused by second-hand smoke. Second hand smoke is the term given to the smoke inhaled by an individual who is not smoking but is in close proximity to someone who is smoking. If you smoke, you will need to make sure that you mention this to your doctor as further tests may be necessary for an accurate diagnosis. If you live with someone who smokes make sure that the person has a separate room in which they can smoke.

A dry hacking cough often causes small streaks of blood in the sputum. This is because the sputum has hardened considerably and the constant irritation and coughing can cause the delicate, membranes of the throat to rupture. To get rid of bloody sputum caused by this kind of a cough, you will need to ensure that the mucus is free flowing. To do this, you will need a steam inhalation that has a few drops of eucalyptus oil added to it. The steam helps to soften and lubricate any hardened mucus and allows it to be expelled easily by the body. When using this method, it is better to take deep breaths as this ensure that the steam reaches deep down inside your respiratory tract. Bloody sputum can also be caused by certain virulent respiratory infections. These infections are generally eliminated by the body in due course. However, if your condition has not disappeared or at least improved in a week to ten days, visit your doctor as you may need a course of anti-biotic medications to eliminate it from your system. Anti-biotic medications eliminate all bacteria present in your entire system. There are several types of healthy bacteria in our digestive tract that help with the digestion of food. Unfortunately these medications eradicate these bacteria along with the others and so your system would be a little weakened. To replenish your digestive tract, you can have fresh unflavored yogurt as it is rich in these bacteria. Coughing up blood can be a serious problem and should never be ignored.

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