Questions Asked
Questions From:

For immediate relief from the burning and stinging sensation in your hands caused due to handling jalapeno peppers, you should submerge your hands in ice water and keep them there for a few minutes at a time. This will provide immediate relief, and though it will be temporary, the ice water will feel very good to your burning hands...

This certainly sounds like quite a serious injury, and if you (or your friend) are not too sure about how to handle it, the best thing is to go to a doctor and let him or her take care of the situation. It is extremely important to get all the glass out of such a wound; glass that remains in the wound could keep tearing into surrounding tissue, making it very difficult for the wound to heal...

Some additional information would be useful in a case like this - the complaint that hair refuses to go is quite a common one, but it can have many different causes. You have not provided any details except for your age, so it is difficult to say what the reason could be for the slow growth rate (your hair will of course not completely stop growing, but the rate of growth could be so slow as to be almost imperceptible)...

The description you have provided leaves very little room to offer a specific kind of remedial measure. Two little white bumps could indicate almost anything right from heat boils and acne to eruptions caused due to shaving...