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Rough feet can be due to extra dryness, pamper your feet and take good care of them. Try the following simple home remedies for rough feet: Make the skin soft by soaking your feet in a tub of warm water for 15-20 minutes...

Yes apple cider vinegar and honey drink is an excellent remedy used since ages which has numerous benefits including stomach problems like heart burn or food poisoning. But how does it actually work? Lifestyle changes and change in food habit (consuming more of fast foods, refined/processed foods and starches) moves the pH of a person to the acidic side...

Alternative Remedies to Heal Rash Anyone with a dermatological disaster like eczema, food allergies, hives, chafing, poison ivy or razor burns can get rash. It can cause itchiness, redness and pain in that area which you need to get rid of instantly...

Petit mal seizures also known as absence – seizures involve a temporary disturbance in the brain function due to an abnormal electronic activity in the brain. The striking characteristic of petit mal seizure is a short-term, abrupt lack of conscious activity or any other noted abnormal change in the behavior...

Your question is not very clear, but it seems that you are talking about nasal polyps. Polyps themselves are abnormal growths on the lining of the nose, and the issue is not really swelling of the polyps but their existence itself...

Colitis cannot actually be “cured”, but in many cases it can be controlled enough so that it stops interfering with your ability to function relatively normally and enjoy life. If your condition is severe, medication might be necessary, but otherwise, you can manage the condition on your own, mostly by modifying your diet...

Have you been diagnosed with an allergy due to which your eyes react, or are you simply describing your condition as an eye allergy? In any case, it would be a good idea to visit an ophthalmologist or at least your family doctor, especially since you say the dryness causes some pain. Dry eyes syndrome, also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca in medical circles, is actually quite a common problem, but in most cases the condition is extremely mild...