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Sounds really simple and incredulous but this is a really simple home remedy which works for me: Drink three sips of water with a 3 second pause in between each sip. Make sure you fill up your mouth with sufficient quantity of water before each swallow...

This is a fairly broad question, so it is impossible to give a definitive answer without knowing what exactly is causing the bumps, what the bumps look like, do they itch, etc. However, drinking plenty of water usually clears up the problem...

Cysts are little lumps that appear generally around head, neck and back region with no noted pain. Don’t touch or squeeze the cyst...

Best way to treat eczema is to keep your dry itching skin well lubricated and moist. Some home remedy treatments for eczema: Grate nutmeg (nutmeg) and mix in a little water...

Some people tend to produce more ear wax, or have difficulty moving wax out of their ears. Drinking an adequate amount of pure/filtered water and ensuring you have alot of essential fatty acids in your diet will help the consistency and elimination of wax...

Basil, also known as "Tulsi" plant is freely available in Indian homes. You can pluck some fresh basil leaves, wash them and crush them to make juice...

Honey is a potent natural anti-microbial and has soothing, healing properties. it can be extremely beneficial for the skin, especially applied topically as weak dilution with water or a combination of water and witch hazel...