Health Advice

Acne scars can be extremely unsightly but in many cases they are just temporary. In most cases,...

Lemon and honey is a very effective treatment for dark lips. However, if this discoloration is...

The thyroid gland is situated at the base of the neck, just beneath the Adam's apple. Under...

A urinary tract infection is generally a bacterial infection that could affect the kidneys, the...

Iron is essential to human life and it can be found in a variety of plant and animal foods. It is...

Scabies is a highly infectious skin condition caused by a parasitical infestation. The rash is...

It is true that tea tree oil can be used to prevent or treat infections as it is a strong natural...

There are several skin conditions as well as fungal and bacterial infections that can cause the...

Problems with a sore throat can be taken care of by using some simple home remedies. Have a...

A toothache can ruin your day, even your week. And the worst thing is that it nearly always...

Your question is not clear - exactly what white patches are you referring to? Most likely these...

A protruding stomach is not uncommon especially if you are used to a sedentary life but eat...

From the hair bumps and dark spots that you have described, it seems that you are suffering from...

Rice does not have a very high fiber content and can be quite soothing to your digestive system....

Typhoid fever or enteric fever is a common condition which causes a very high fever and abdominal...

Heartburn is the deep burning sensation that is felt just below the breastbone and in the...

Diarrhea or loose stools can be caused by a variety of factors, and in most scenarios the...

A weak bladder or urinary urge incontinence is an awkward and problematic condition that causes a...

The liver is a vital organ, responsible for the removal of toxins and other wastes from the...