Heavy masturbation increases pimples. Is it true?

Masturbation and pimples are not related or linked. Acne or pimples are due to improper diet, stress, genes and hormones, such as testosterone. Do you have an oily skin? Acne and pimples are created by clogging of pores by dirt and oil from oil glands. Avoid harsh chemicals on your face, as it might aggravate the condition.

Masturbation is considered as a healthy activity for both men and women. It is a vital method of stress removal. Hormonal changes, associated with puberty or menarche results in formation of acne. Over-the-counter drugs or creams are effective. Products with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid prove beneficial in acne clearance. Check out for any side effects. Wide spread myths related to masturbation and individual weakness exists.

Clean the face well with an antiseptic soap. Remove your make up before retiring to bed. Abstain from squeezing them. Topical application of gram flour paste, made with water helps. Stress is relieved by masturbation, whereas stress induces pimples. Poor diet including fatty foods, refined sugars, chocolates and carbonated beverages are completely avoided in the diet. Visit a dermatologist for more guidance.

answered by Dr C

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