What is good for breathing problems after Pnemonia?

Pneumonia affects the immunity levels of the body and leaves the body weak even after it has been treated successfully. It is thus important to build up your body's immunity if you've had pneumonia, through your diet and lifestyle. Drink up on vegetable broth prepared red peppers, carrots, garlic and onions to keep up the levels of beta-carotene and other carotenoids. The use of garlic and onions in your food will help your system to fight off bacterial and viral attacks and keep your system strong. In addition to a healthy diet rich in Vitamins, proteins and minerals, make sure you exercise regularly. A fit body has better chances of fighting a relapse.

Respiratory problems are common amongst pneumonia patients, so increase your Vitamin C intake, especially during winters. Consume plenty of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, red peppers, sweet potatoes and citrus fruits to increase the Vitamin C levels in your body and help it to fight breathing problems. Sometimes cough suppressants prescribed during pneumonia do not allow the mucus to be cleared from the lungs, so always check with the doctor for this side-effect. Bluish or greyish fingertips are a confirmed sign that the lungs are not getting enough oxygen, so make sure that the patient is not congested, breathing deeply and getting plenty of hot soups enriched with vegetables high in vitamin content. For children respiratory problems and chest pain can be soothed by applying a heat pad or warm compress to the chest. This provides relief and also helps to decongest the chest.

answered by M W

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