For The Last One Week I Am Sneezing And Affected By Whooping Cough. What Is The Apt Home Remedy For This Ailment?

Cough and light fever may cause distressing symptoms, and home remedies can give effective relief. Here's what you can do.

  • Grind a small piece of ginger and mix it with ground jaggery. Suck on this paste whenever you experience cough. This will help you expel cough causing phlegm.
  • Boil some milk with ginger and black pepper. Add some sweet basil leaves and cloves to it. Drink this milk before going to bed and cover yourself well.
  • Mix together some honey with ground pepper and juice from a small piece of crushed ginger. If you have a sore throat or cough, this can help you soothe it.
  • Warm milk with a pinch of turmeric can help you deal with throat infections or any other upper respiratory infections that may be causing the fever and cough.
  • Expelling your phlegm would help relieve the symptoms of cough. To do this, boil some water and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to it. Now cover your head with a towel and bend over on the pot of water. Inhale the water and eucalyptus vapor. This will loosen the phlegm so that you can expel it out.
  • To cure cough, consume a spoon of sweet basil juice with a small quantity of garlic juice and honey. Consume this mixture thrice a day till you experience relief from your cough.
  • Sucking on a small piece of garlic can also help you reduce the amount of phlegm in your chest.
  • Eating an apple every day will also help you cure cough.

answered by S D

Try some of our natural home treatments for whooping cough and Common Fever.

answered by P P

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