Chances of leukoderma, or vitiligo, as this disease is commonly known, being genetic are very slim. They are so little that the figure is only close to about one or two per cent more than any other person who does not have a family history suffering from this disease. In order to understand this disease, you should understand how it works. Leukoderma is a pigmentation disorder whereby the skin does not contain regular cells that produce a normal quantity and kind of pigmentation. The quantities are sometimes irregular, which is also a reason why the patches of people who have vitiligo keep shifting off and on. This is quite significantly different from albinism, wherein the skin does not produce any of the pigmentation cells at all. The entire skin becomes becoming white, and the eyes and irises are usually red in color in people who suffer from albinism. There are several scientific reasons for albinism, wherein the skin cannot produce any kind of pigmentation at all. It is good for you to know that albinism is a disease that can travel down generations. It has significantly higher chances of being transmitted through the generations than vitiligo does.
But this is not true of leukoderma at all. In fact, the general percentage of people inheriting leukoderma is well below five percent, this is a very low number and it puts the chances of anyone getting leukoderma from their parents to a minimum. If at all the possibility of inheriting the disorder does exist even remotely, it will be very low. You should be aware that just because the lady in question is suffering from leukoderma, there is no reason for her children or even grandchildren to get it as well. If in case it does happen, even then you would hardly be able to place blame on the lady you married. Unless medical genetic tests specifically point to the low possibility of inheritance, it is unlikely that this disease will actually be inherited. In any and all cases, you should know that there is no problem of any kind with patients of leukoderma. They live normal lives and are otherwise as normal, healthy and active as other people. In no way does having leukoderma set them aside from other people. Only in terms of appearance can the difference be seen. This too is barely a social stigma anymore, and one that does not really require too much explanation.
answered by M W