I have loose motion from past three day what should I do

Diarrhea or the passage of stools with a watery consistency can be caused due to a variety of factors. This is a natural defense mechanism of your body to flush out and get rid of any undesirable substances, whether toxins and poisons or bacteria. Diarrhea in most cases is not very severe and will pass without any serious concerns. If very severe or prolonged however, diarrhea can be extremely worrying because of the severe dehydration or loss of fluids that it causes. This is particularly disturbing in young children and the elderly.

Dehydration is very threatening as in severe cases it can even cause complications leading to death. In diarrhea there is a malabsorption of fluid or rather of water, with the intestine not absorbing the water from your diet and secreted by organs, like the liver or stomach and pancreas, as it normally would. This is what accounts for the watery consistency of stools. In most cases this condition is caused due to food poisoning or a bacterial or viral infection, and due to food allergies. At other time excessive consumption of alcohol or certain laxatives, and even certain medications may cause the condition. No matter what the cause the main concern should be prevention of dehydration. If the dehydration and weakness is severe and accompanied by other symptoms like fever, chills, and nausea, then it would be wise to seek medical assistance.

Natural remedies are recommended for diarrhea as it helps resolve the condition naturally and does not disrupt your body’s normal function. Most pharmaceutical drugs interfere with the natural process to simply stop the symptoms. At times diarrhea may be symptomatic of another condition and in such a scenario simply treating the symptoms and neglecting the cause can prove dangerous. Here are some natural remedies for diarrhea:

  • Restrict your intake of solids until the situation resolves. If the condition is very mild only avoid cereals, grains, and raw fruits and vegetables.
  • Keep yourself well hydrated by drinking a lot of water and other fluids like fruit juices and herbal teas. This will help prevent dehydration. Fruit juices and vegetable juices should be diluted.
  • Clear liquids like soups and broths would also be healthy.
  • Avoid the consumption of milk and most dairy products.
  • Eat a lot of cooked fruits and vegetables. Bananas and apples are particularly useful. Apples are extremely effective because of an ingredient found in apple skin called pectin, which helps hold together loose stools. Applesauce would also be a good source.
  • Our intestines normally house a type of bacteria called lactobacilli that are healthy for digestive health and prevent the accumulation and sustenance of unhealthy bacteria. Consuming active culture foods to increase lactobacilli population can help treat diarrhea. Active culture yogurt and curd are good sources.

answered by S D

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