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Congestion in the lungs is a common problem that occurs when there is an irritant present in the respiratory tract. This irritant could be either some sort of particle irritant as in the case of smoke or pollutant particles or it could be a bacterial infection...

Blood in the sputum or phlegm is a definite indication of respiratory infection or trauma. There are many possible causes for this condition and you will need to visit your doctor for an accurate diagnosis...

Teething is a difficult time both for the baby as well as the child. A baby generally cries a lot during this time and that is completely understandable as their sharp teeth are poking their way up through their gums...

Gallstone sufferers suffer extremely painful gallbladder attacks, wherein they experience excruciating pain in the abdomen that may result in nausea or vomiting and chills. If untreated this condition can even lead to infections...

Gall bladder surgery as a treatment for gallstones may be necessary at times, but this is mostly not the case and should be reserved as a last resort. In most cases that are not severe the condition can be treated quite effectively with effective dietary and lifestyle modifications...

People get fascinated when they hear the word ‘sexual power’ that some cosmetic and pharmaceutical manufacturers use in order to sell some of their products. In reality, there is no such thing as sexual power, and the media and other entrepreneurs have played well enough to exaggerate this term in order to sell certain cosmetic and health products...