How does olive oil helps to get rid of split ends? Scientifically referred to as trichoptlosis,...
How does olive oil helps to get rid of split ends? Scientifically referred to as trichoptlosis,...
For a healthy, blemish-free and glowing skin, here are a few things that you must do regularly -...
Tips for fair skin complexion: Do anulom vilom and kapalbhati in yoga pranayam for 20 minutes...
It is a wise idea to pluck the white hair on your eyebrow. If you feel uncomfortable to pluck, or...
Treatment for dark black skin in crotch and groin, Start drinking 1/2 cup warm milk with 1/2 tsp...
For suntan curd is the best remedy take curd apply on your face and body everyday before bath...
It is important to keep the scalp and face clean by washing them often. If you control your...
Lemon juice and a buff puff
Hair turning gray is a natural phenomenon. But you can prevent it by not using hot water for hair...
The hair which grows over your upper lips can be many times annoying. Try the following natural...
Dry skin is a very common problem especially in the winter. Dry skin means that the natural...
The lifestyle today of most individuals is one that pays a lot of attention to the aesthetics of...
Honey is a potent natural anti-microbial and has soothing, healing properties. it can be...
Nowadays people are keen on whitening their teeth on account of the unsightly stains or yellowing...
Hand injuries are the most common type of injuries we face. We use our hands for nearly...
Before trying to treat oily skin one should first understand that oily skin is skin which is...
Unfortunately, most scars do not go away. Scars are caused by additional skin cells that are...
Skin pigmentation on the face or discoloration is basically a medical condition which is...
Glycerol is hygroscopic in nature and because of its water retaining property it is used in many...
Wrinkles are thinning skin that gathers because it is losing collagen, the body's natural...