Health Advice

A condition in which the thyroid glands produce excessive amounts of a hormone called thyroxine...

A sore throat is a very common condition and is faced by almost everyone. In some cases people...

Teething is a difficult time both for the baby as well as the child. A baby generally cries a lot...

Gallstone sufferers suffer extremely painful gallbladder attacks, wherein they experience...

Gall bladder surgery as a treatment for gallstones may be necessary at times, but this is mostly...

People get fascinated when they hear the word ‘sexual power’ that some cosmetic and...

Since you have already been to the doctor a couple of times, it would be advisable to go in for a...

The condition you are facing is also known as hemorrhoids, but is more commonly referred to as...

Gum infections are quite a common oral condition; however, they should be attended to quickly....

A swollen throat is most often caused by bacterial infections that affect the throat. A swollen...

Corns on the feet are due to prolonged friction which is generally caused by ill-firting shoes....

An itching sensation in the vagina is not a health condition by itself, but rather a symptom of...

Acidity or the presence of excessive stomach acids and gastric acids in the stomach can be a...

Diarrhea or the passage of stools with a watery consistency can be caused due to a variety of...