Diet for Fibromyalgia

There is conflicting evidence among scientific circles about the efficacy of following a special fibromyalgia diet. Some experts insist that eating certain types of foods affect fibromyalgia symptoms either positively or negatively. Others counter that no special foods or supplements exist that can direct affect symptoms of the condition. The only unifying belief is that eating a healthy balanced diet full of foods high in antioxidants to boost your immunity can help fibromyalgia patients.

Some suggestions on what foods to eat and what to avoid include:

  • Avoiding chocolate, coffee, alcohol and carbonated beverages
  • Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water a day
  • Staying away from high fat foods, refined sugar, white flour, fried foods, preservatives, excessive salt red meat, and artificial sweeteners
  • Not smoking
  • Avoiding exposure to the sun
  • Not trying any fad or crash diets
  • Making small gradual changes to your diet and eating habits. Doing anything suddenly can aggravate fibromyalgia symptoms
  • Including more of whole grains, fruits, protein, dairy and vegetables
  • Eating carbohydrate rich foods before sleeping such as grains, beans and other complex carbohydrates to raise serotonin levels and encourage sleep
  • Consuming foods with anti-inflammatory properties such as apples, grapes, strawberries, carrots, tomatoes, dark leafy greens, beets, citrus fruits, garlic, cabbage, broccoli, leeks, and onions.
A fibromyalgia diet needs experimentation with different foods and food combinations to see what works best for each person. This may take some time and should ideally be done under a doctor or dietician’s supervision and guidance.

Frequently asked questions
  1. Jessica Lucia Neves Bastos, Elisa Dória Pires, Marcelo Lourenço Silva, Fernanda Lopes Buiatti de Araújo, Josie Resende Torres Silva, Effect of Acupuncture at Tender Points for the Management of Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Case Series, Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, Available online 24 February 2013, ISSN 2005-2901, 10.1016/j.jams.2013.02.001.
  2. Margareta Sandberg, Lars-Göran Lindberg, Björn Gerdle, Peripheral effects of needle stimulation (acupuncture) on skin and muscle blood flow in fibromyalgia, European Journal of Pain, Volume 8, Issue 2, April 2004, Pages 163-171, ISSN 1090-3801, 10.1016/S1090-3801(03)00090-9. (