More user remedies on Eczema

suggested by karen on Thursday, January 15, 2009

I have had very bad eczema for many years and have tried many remedies including acupuncture. Everything I tried seemed to work for a while, but the eczema eventually always returned. However, I have recently found that taking ginger capsules and drinking ginger tea every day has helped tremendously. Ginger is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent and eczema is an inflammatory process. I also stopped eating processed sugar since this too causes inflammation. I hope this can help others as well.

Ultra Healing Remedy
suggested by Rosemarie on Saturday, April 26, 2008

I have eczema on and off since childhood and I know what it's like. The last episode started last year around October when I noticed a very itchy and dry, scaly patch on the pad of the little finger on my right hand. I went to a dermatologist and she gave me a prescription for a soap-free cleanser and betamethasone cream. I followed the procedure she outlined to me religiously, but after a week of application, it had only gotten worse. I tried all sorts of natural remedies I found online--from coating the affected area thickly with petroleum jelly (alternating with diaper cream) to soaking it in a solution of turmeric and massaging it with a few drops of tea tree oil. Nothing worked. It even spread to the 3/4 of my finger. And then, feeling hopeless and willing to try anything, I tried using Vaseline Ultra Healing lotion. I noticed right away that the area felt very moisturized and softer. After a day of applying Vaseline Ultra Healing Lotion almost every couple of hours, I used the soap-free cleanser my doctor had prescribed and washed my hand. While it was wet, I gently brushed off the dry, flaky bits of dead skin with a clean, soft toothbrush (get a separate toothbrush just for this). I then dried my pinkie gently by patting it with a clean towel and applied the Vaseline Ultra Healing Lotion. Within a week, my pinkie no longer looked and felt ragged and dry. It still became itchy once in a while when the weather turned cold, I was stressed, or accidentally used a harsh cleanser for washing my hands, but I kept the eczema at bay with the soap-free cleanser and Vaseline Ultra Healing Lotion. I am in no way connected with Vaseline or endorsing the brand. I'm just sharing my experience as an eczema sufferer, and how I finally found a way to manage it.

Taking care of the different stages of eczema
suggested by kathy on Saturday, February 9, 2008

I have had this terrible skin disorder since a child and have gone through many different meds and home remedies. If your eczema is at the oozing stage soak in oatmeal baths and then follow up with neutrogena sesame seed oil and pat dry. If you are in the scaling stage try rubbing crisco on your skin and wrap plastic wrap around areas and sleep with this on. Try wearing white cotton gloves to bed for you scratch and irritate the areas in your sleep. Use cool water to bathe for hot water irritates these areas. Use a good moisturizing lotion like eucerin and also use cortisone when itching. One thing that works well is tanning regularly but don't overdue it in one session. Make sure you know your allergies and try as hard as you can to stay away from those food items or airborne items that you are allergic too. I use aveeno bath products too and stay away from the perfumed items.

suggested by Rosie on Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Putting honey on infected eczema helps to clear the infection within hours without using steroid creams that are prescribed by a doctor. Honey is a genital antiseptic and although it is sticky for a few hours meaning that you have to bandage the affected area it is well worth it. It isn't painful either.

eczema treatment
suggested by Ana on Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Try to put a pinch of pure salt in your tongue every time you drink water. Try to drink lots and lots of water to replenish your cells. Avoid all kinds of drinks with caffeine like coffee, tea, soda, choco, etc. They're all diuretics and will dry out your skin. Apply vaseline petroleum gel liberally to the affected area at least 3 times per day, especially after exposure to water. And though there's no cure for eczema, but now, my symptoms are in control.

suggested by elena on Monday, December 24, 2007

Horsetail is a great remedy for the UTI, but also for other diseases. In 33.81 oz( 1 liter of water) put 4-6 teaspoons of horsetail powder and let it macerate at rooms temperature from 10 to 12 hours; filter. Drink the resulted solution throughout the day, for 14 days. Check the label of the horsetail powder you buy because the direction of use could differ. Horsetail is a disinfectant and stimulant of the urinary tract. If you have water retention and swelling due to a weak heart or kidneys, do not use Horsetail. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids while taking this herb.

zinc oxide cream
suggested by [unspecified] on Monday, December 17, 2007

When I was a kid I suffered from eczema. Cortisone creams worked temporarily, but stripped my skin. I took some great advice and applied zinc oxide cream (typically used for diaper rash) every night before bed (careful it's oily, will transfer to sheets/pillowcase). After only a few treatments my eczema was gone and did not reappear. Worked for me! Very inexpensive and safe

Omega Oils
suggested by Linda on Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My mother had a very bad case of eczema. She went to four doctors and found no cure. She went to the local health food store and in three days, she was cured. She took a tablespoon of flaxseed oil every two hours for three days. See Adelle Davis' book for further info. Mother never had another eczema attack after the flaxseed oil treatment.

Eczema Relief
suggested by Nicole on Friday, August 10, 2007

I have eczema in the corners of my eyes, nose and mouth. I used to use Elidel prescription daily, but since I've gotten older, i'm able to use vaseline in the corners of my eyes only once every 6 months, and neosporin gel around my nose maybe once a year. The corners of my mouth don't require treatment since i've used the neosporin. Try it!

Cheap remedies for different types
suggested by Noel on Monday, June 25, 2007

When I was younger my Eczema was in large itchy blisters, the best thing for them is hydrocortisone children's strength. now that I am older my Eczema has developed into a dry, itchy rash form that causes my skin to loose color in some areas, the most effective way to get rid of it is lots of moisturizer for sensitive skin, humidity and sun light(in moderation, a sunburn only makes it worse)