Health Advice

Hives are red welts that appear on various parts of the body. They appear when your body reacts...

Tinnitus home remedies  What you are experiencing is tinnitus, which is not a disease, but a...

Pimple scar treatment Unfortunately, there is almost nothing that can be done to get rid of a...

Corn home remedies  Firstly, you need to realize that although there are effective home...

Your gums could be sore due to a variety of reasons. The soreness and pain in your gums could...

Apple cider vinegar has countless benefits when used in any way. If you add it to your bath...

There are no safe ways to artificially reduce the appetite. Several over the counter drugs are...

Infant contusion remedies The immediate remedy for contusion in babies would depend completely...

In order to remedy the lump in your throat, you must first address the cause of the lump. This...

If the rash has been bothering you for over a week and still shows no signs of going away, you...

Liver cirrhosis advice  If you have been diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, then you...

Although there is no scientific evidence linking sterility to goitre definitively, is has been...

Your description sounds like a severe case of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the medical reasons...

Nasal congestion advice The presence of green mucus indicates the presence of an infection of...

Thyroid nodules are formed when the tissue from the thyroid gland grows abnormally into a nodule,...

Numbness in any part of your body could be caused due to poor or slow blood circulation. If you...