Health Advice

For small cuts, yes, sugar can help stop the bleeding. The sugar forms a paste with the blood and...

A couple of things that could cause acute headache are sinusitis and allergies. To ease the...

A lump or bump on the lips can be a mucocele. A mucocele is a painless mucous cyst that occurs on...

Heavy medication is one of the reasons why some people develop intolerance towards foods and...

Mumps is an extreme painful and visible alarming condition although a considerably harmless...

Cataract may be caused by the natural ageing process or may be the result of uncontrolled...

Cold sores or Fever blisters or are a product of the Herpes Simplex Viruses 1 and 2. They are...

Healthy nails should be pinkish in color, flexible, strong and glossy. If your nails are peeling...