Diagnosis of Melanoma

Diagnosis of melanoma at early stages improves the chance of a full recovery. However, once the cancer spreads to the lymph nodes and other parts of the body, it is difficult to treat or cure. Test for melanoma may involve skin exams by trained professionals, skin cancer screening and staging melanoma once your doctor has identified the condition.

  • Skin cancer screening allows your doctor to proceed with an in depth, professional examination of your skin and other vitals. Any visible moles maybe checked for asymmetry, discoloration or irregularities and documented for future reference. A history of skin cancer or other skin disorders necessitates skin cancer screening to identify early signs of melanoma.
  • Self-examinations maybe time and cost effective even saving you a visit to the doctor. You may stand in front of a full-length mirror to identify and document any peculiar moles, warts or other skin growth on your body. This will enable you to identify any future change in appearance. While most melanomas occur on the outer surface of the skin, it is best to check for hidden signs on the palm of your hand, soles of your feet, genital areas, under the nails, on your scalp and so on.
  • Another medical approach to clear any doubts includes conducting a biopsy. A part of the mole or the whole area maybe cut and analyzed to reveal signs of cancerous growth. It is best to seek your doctor's advice on undergoing biopsy. In some cases, where the mole turns out to be non malignant, you may consider biopsy a waste of your money and resources.
Tests and diagnosis are primary tools for identifying melanoma signs. Once you undergo melanoma diagnosis positively, individuals will have to undergo staging of melanoma. This helps your doctor understand what stage of cancer you are dealing with, its severity and approach to curbing and curing it.