Home Health Center
Melanoma - Prevention
Prevention from Melanoma
Preventing melanoma may be easy if you follow these pointers:
- Avoid harsh sunlight, especially mid day sun when it is at its strongest. If you live close to the equator or on high altitudes where you face direct sunlight, you may have to take other preventive measures such as protective clothing, special protection for your face and eyes in the form of sunglasses and a broad rimmed hat to protect your scalp, face and ears.
- Summer months are not the only times you need sun protection. Our skin works to protect us from the harsh effects of UV radiation all year round. Applying a sunscreen with appropriate levels of SPF (Sun Protection Factor) specified for your location may help deter harmful effects of the sun. Apply on arms, legs, ears, back and neck in addition to your face for best results. Apply generously on all exposed areas and reapply throughout the day since it loses some of its effectiveness when you sweat. Apply your sunscreen at least 20 minutes before you step out into the sun for best results.
- Tanning beds or lamps also affect your skin in the same way as the harmful effects of UV radiation from the sun. Avoid these practices to get the tanned or bronzed look. In the long run, these may act as factors in developing life-threatening melanoma.