Treatment for Melanoma

Treatments for melanoma may involve standard options such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or biological (immune) therapy. Clinical trials in the field of chemoimmunotherapy, targeted therapy and even cancer vaccines continue to make progress. Treatment options maybe based on the stage of melanoma, your specific condition, age and other health factors, which may affect recovery.

  • Surgery would involve removal of the affected lymph nodes to prevent further spread of cancerous growth. Your doctor may recommend further chemotherapy or radiation therapy to ensure complete removal of cancerous tissue.
  • Chemotherapy involves using drugs or medication to remove cancer cells. You maybe fed drugs intravenously or injected with medication to target the specific area of cancer growth.
  • Radiation therapy is used to kill the cancer cells maybe exhausting and painful for individuals. It involves the use of high-energy beams to destroy cancer cells and prevent further spread of the disease.
  • Since a weakened immune system cannot fight cancer cells, biological therapy or immuno therapy focuses on boosting or strengthening the immune system by simulating substances that the body uses to protect it. Prescribed medication or drugs may also aim to naturally create immune boosting substances to fight cancer.