Vitamin B 6 complex is a blend of vitamin B6 and enzymes. B6 is an essential water soluble vitamin actively involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
Vitamin B6 complex is vital for performing normal functions of nervous and immune system. It is also responsible for producing red blood cells, transporting oxygen and converting tryptophan to niacin. Red blood cells transport oxygen from one body part to another and aids in the synthesis of neurotransmitters that are essential for normal nerve cell communication.
The most common sources of Vitamin B6 are fish, chicken, potatoes, liver, pork, wheat germ, bananas, and dried beans. These real food sources should be consumed in optimal quantity to prevent B6 deficiency. Inadequate diet, poor availability of vitamin rich food sources and certain health conditions most often lead to B6 deficiency.
The symptoms of this deficiency are not well defined. They occur after prolonged deficiency and include nervousness, irritability, insomnia, difficulty in walking, muscle weakness, fissures and cracks at the corner of the mouth. These deficiency symptoms can be curbed by consuming B6 rich food sources or by taking complete B vitamin supplement.
The deficiency symptoms are vaguely defined fro B6 but the symptoms of toxicity are very well defined. Toxicity occurs when an individual consumes high doses of Vitamin B6. Overdose or toxicity of this vitamin complex often results in numbness in feet and leg associated with severe pain. For some people, who are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome or nerve damage, an overdose can be beneficial but for the normal individual it will lead to fatal health conditions. It is very important to consult a doctor before taking an overdose of this vitamin.
Even though required in small traces, Vitamin B 6 is an essential B group vitamin. So, try to incorporate healthy and nutritious food sources rather than consuming vitamin supplements for a healthy growth.