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Suffering from a congested chest can be a very uncomfortable experience, especially if it lasts for the course of a few days. In most cases, the chest congestion will usually be the result of a chest cold and will usually have remnants of the causing infection as the immune system attempts to find ways of how to expel phlegm from the system...

Phlegm is a very important part of the immune system as it plays a very prominent role in preventing certain types of infection from progressing any further. Phlegm is essentially a secretion of the mucous membranes that is concerned with trapping the causing irritants or infections of most respiratory illnesses and then getting them out of the body...

Phlegm plays a rather important role in the overall performance of the immune system by preventing any foreign particles such as dust and smoke entering too deep into the system. Besides this, it could also be a very prominent symptom of the presence of some kind of medical condition...

Phlegm is a very important part of the human body as it helps tremendously in the prevention of foreign particles from entering too deep into the system. The substance consists primarily of glycoproteins, immunoglobulins and lipids...

Orange Sputum: Orange phlegm (1) - Jul 7, 2010

Orange phlegm is a relatively rare symptom and is more often than not caused by a serious respiratory infection. phlegm is produced by the body on a regular basis and is a medium of lubrication and protection...

When the mucus that is present in a person's chest gets visibly congealed, it is referred to as phlegm. However, phlegm is good for a person, as it is produced by the mucus membranes, in an attempt to fight off various infections...

Excessive mucus in the throat is due to a common cold or from upper respiratory infections, could be very irritating for the person suffering. Common effects of such a condition include continuous blowing of the nose, breathing from the mouth as the nose passage is congested with mucus, the need to clear the throat very frequently and even headaches...

Phlegm wheezing is most commonly seen in new born babies. It is a result of normal mucus that collects in one's nose which makes the breathing process difficult thus resulting into wheezing...

White phlegm is the result of colds and allergies and will form in a person's sinuses and throat. It is thick mucus like substance that can lead a person to suffer from a persistent and uncomfortable cough and also a stuffed nose...

In order to understand whether throwing up phlegm or swallowing it is better, it is important to understand exactly what phlegm is and the role it plays in the overall health of the human body. Essentially, phlegm is a substance that is created by the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract in the human body and is primarily concerned with trapping any foreign bodies and substances that may be causing certain illnesses...