How to treat defective teeth

Teeth defects can be of various types that can range from vague discomfort to a functional disorder. Some of the other diseases of the teeth and the gums also include infections, bad breath, decayed teeth, cavities, inflammation and so on. In order to prevent teeth defects and maintain good health of your teeth and gums you should gargle your mouth on a daily basis with a peroxide capsule every morning just before brushing your teeth. Similarly, teeth defects can also be prevented naturally by rubbing the bark of the walnut tree on the teeth after brushing them.

In case of tooth defects such as cavities or infections, you could also chew on a clove of garlic or simply hold the garlic against the defective tooth. This is a very effective home remedy for teeth and gum problems as garlic is known to have powerful antibacterial properties and is also a very good antioxidant. One of the diseases of the teeth and gums namely bad breath can be treated naturally by chewing on some anise seeds or even on fresh mint stems and leaves. In case of tooth defects that cause toothache, you could also place some cloves on the affected tooth and gently chew them as clove oil is known to be an excellent antiseptic.

answered by S D

Suggest some natural remedies for teeth whitening?

Discolored or yellowing teeth are a common problem in people around the world. Yellow or discolored teeth can also cause you a lot of embarrassment in social occasions. There are many commercial teeth whitening products easily available at most stores. However, people tend to avoid these products, as they contain harsh chemicals. Fortunately, there are several home remedies for teeth whitening that you could use. Given below are some of the most common natural teeth whitening remedies: 

  • Salt: Table salt acts as natural bleach for teeth and at the same time it is also believed to have antibacterial properties. Mix a tablespoon of salt in a glass of water and gargle with the solution just before you brush your teeth. You can also mix a pinch of salt with your toothpaste while brushing.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: This antibacterial remedy has several health benefits and it can also be used to restore the color of your teeth. It is best for you to gargle with undiluted apple cider vinegar for this purpose.
  • Baking Soda: There are several different ways in which baking soda can be used for whitening the teeth. Just apply some plain baking soda on your toothbrush and brush your teeth gently with it. You could also mix baking soda with other remedies like salt, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide to increase its effectiveness.
These home remedies for teeth whitening are quite safe, but only if they are used correctly. It is best for you to check with your doctor and get an approval before using any of them.

answered by M W

Cure for tooth problems during pregnancy?   

One of the best ways to deal with pregnancy and dental problems is to maintain good dental hygiene with regular brushing and flossing. In some cases women may experience nausea during the pregnancy because of the toothpaste and this may cause dental problems especially if they avoid brushing their teeth. In such cases to prevent tooth pain during pregnancy, pregnant women could try switching toothpastes often. Tooth problems during pregnancy can also be cured by following a healthy diet that is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B 12 and calcium which help in maintaining good health of the gums and the teeth. Women who experience tooth pain during pregnancy should visit their dentist immediately because any sort of pain or stress would adversely affect the baby as well. Pregnancy and dental problems need not go hand in hand if pregnant women ensure that they do not consume too much of sugar rich foods. Foods that are rich in sugar content could result in the buildup of tartar and plaque which in turn may result in tooth pain during pregnancy. Dental problems can also be avoided during pregnancy by ensuring that you incorporate plenty of citrus rich fruits such as mango, oranges, lemons as well as vegetables into your daily diet.

answered by G M

What causes tooth decay?   

One of the main tooth decay causes is plaque which is basically a soft substance that is a combination of microorganisms and bacteria which tends to stick to the teeth. Another of the tooth decay causes is also a particular type of bacteria known as Streptococcus mutans. One of the most common tooth decay causes is on account of the consumption of carbohydrate rich and sugar rich foods and liquids. Tooth decay because of carbonated drinks and sugar rich foods is caused as the acid in the carbonated drinks tends to erode the enamel of the teeth thereby making the tooth more susceptible to infection and tooth decay. One of the most commonly observed symptoms of tooth decay is toothache which is mostly on account of the irritation or infection of the tooth pulp. Similarly, the other symptoms of tooth decay are a foul taste in the mouth, bad breath and loose fillings in existing cavities. Symptoms of tooth decay include the occurrence of brown, white, black or gray spots on the tooth. Similarly, the symptoms of tooth decay may also be observed in case the tooth is broken. The toothache associated with tooth decay may tend to worsen if you consume foods or liquids that are too hot or too cold.

answered by A S

What is tooth decay? How to prevent tooth decay?

In order to treat tooth decay it is necessary to understand what is tooth decay in the first place. Tooth decay can be described as a problem in which the enamel of your tooth gets eroded, leaving the inner nerve exposed. This could lead to a considerable amount of pain and discomfort as also cause halitosis or mouth odor. Therefore, it is best for you to take appropriate steps for preventing tooth decay. Given below are different ways in which tooth decay can be prevented:
  • Brush your teeth twice a day; mainly before you sleep at night and when you wake up. Your toothbrush should have soft and rounded bristles. Your toothpaste should contain fluoride, which prevents tooth decay and repairs tooth enamel. Change your toothbrush every 3 months or so.
  • After brushing your teeth, make use some dental floss, which will get rid of pieces of food stuck between the teeth. It is also important for you to use a fluoride rinse each day. Herbal rinses containing tea tree oil, golden seal or Echinacea are great for destroying the decay-causing bacteria in the mouth.
  • Reduce the consumption of food and beverages that are high in sugar or artificial colors. Instead increase the amount of raw fruits and vegetables you eat each day. Foods that are rich in calcium, like milk, sardines, broccoli and fortified orange juice should also be increased in your diet. Unsweetened yogurt is good for the overall health of your teeth too.
These methods for preventing tooth decay are quite safe, but it is best to check with a doctor before using any of them.

answered by G R

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