Herbs Category
Other Names of Privet: White wax tree, tree privet, Chinese wax-leaf privet, Chinese privet, Chinese ligustrum, Chinese linguster, yojungja, ligustro, ligustro ceroso, joteishi, aligustre, dongqingzi, ligustrum, ligustrum lucidum, ligustrum fruit, nuzhenzi, to-nezumimochi, troène de Chine
Useful Parts of the Plant: Leaves, flowers
There are Three Types of Privet: Broad leaf privet, small leaf privet, and European privet. These plants are classified into the different categories according to the size of their leaves and their lobes. The broad leaf privets have shorter and smoother stalks, while the small leaf and European privets have hairy and thick stalks. Privet plants are often used to make dividing hedges for lawns and gardens. However, some people are allergic to the pollen that is released from the plants. People, who suffer from upper respiratory diseases and allergies such as asthma, should avoid planting privets in their home. Privets are weed-like in nature and other plants usually do not survive where there are dense growths of privets. Privet is widely cultivated in North Africa, Europe, Australia, and South East Asia. It is a perennial shrub.
Nutritional Information and Properties
The privet plants contain an active compound known as ligustrum. This is an extremely therapeutic compound that has been widely used in Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years. Even in modern medicine, ligustrum finds many therapeutic uses. Due to the chemical properties of the shrub, it is only used for external use and is not fit for consumption. It is also toxic to other plants and animals around it, and so it is cultivated very carefully and only in a controlled manner. It produces fruits that are consumed by animals and birds, but are not fit for human consumption.
Health Benefits and Therapeutic Uses
- Privet has shown great potential in the field of medical sciences. Privet extracts are used to prevent the loss of bone marrow and vital immune system tissues in patients who are undergoing chemotherapy.
- In the recent times, the plant has also been used in the treatment of patients who suffer from autoimmune disorders such as AIDS.
- Since privet is bitter sweet, it is not very easy to consume; however, research has shown that the extracts of this plant can be consumed to treat bacterial infection. The plant acts as a tonic and has antimicrobial properties. It also inhibits the growth of tumors in the body and helps promote the healthy functioning of the liver and the kidneys.
- Privet is also an antidiuretic, which can be used to improve the functioning of the renal system.
- In traditional Chinese medication, privet has been used for the treatment of hepatic failure, hepatitis, and other liver diseases or infections.
- Other uses of privet include treatment of hypertension, high blood pressure, respiratory tract diseases and infections, and Parkinson's disease.
- Privet extracts can also be used to treat backaches and internal inflammation in the back.
- Privet is also known to be used in the treatment of abnormally blurred vision and cataracts. The plant may also be used for the treatment of other conditions such as glaucoma and weak ocular muscles.
- In menopausal women, privet can be used for the treatment of menopausal symptoms. The extracts of this plant can also be used for preventing premature menopause. It can also help reduce palpitations, insomnia, and hot flashes related to menopause.
- For men and women who are experiencing graying hair, treatment with privet extracts can help prevent premature graying. There are a lot of cosmetic and herbal products that contain privet extracts.
- External application of privet extracts and oils can be used for treatment of rheumatic pains, arthritis and tinnitus.
- Privet can be used to strengthen a weak liver or a kidney.